1. Overview
  2. User Tutorials
  3. Connecting to the AUTHEO Testnet

Connecting to the AUTHEO Testnet

Interacting with Autheo's Testnet requires the use of a compatible cryptocurrency wallet. Autheo uses underlying EVM architecture and is compatible with most major Ethereum-focused wallets.

For the purposes of this document, we will be using a browser-based Metamask Wallet. MetaMask is available through the Chrome store, Google Play store and Apple's App Store. Always visit the official MetaMask website to download the wallet application, to avoid phishing scams.

Creating a Custom Network in MetaMask

The main page of MetaMask.

Network selection icon outlined in red.

Connecting MetaMask to the Autheo Testnet requires the creation of a custom network within your instance of the MetaMask wallet. Clicking on the icon in the upper left of your MetaMask window will bring you to the network selection page. 

Network selection screen on MetaMask.

Add a custom network button outlined in red.

On the following screen, there is a large + Add a custom network button at the bottom. Click this button to open the custom network details form.

Custom network details screen on MetaMask


On the custom network details screen, you will need to enter the following information:

After inputting all necessary information, select Save to save the network to your MetaMask wallet. It will now be available from the previously shown network selection screen.

Requesting Testnet THEO Tokens

Autheo provides an automated "faucet" that distributes test THEO tokens for user and developer use in learning the platform or testing decentralized applications.

You can access the Autheo Testnet faucet here.

You will need to enter your personal wallet address, which can be obtained at the top of your MetaMask window and will be a long alphanumeric value beginning with 0x (Example: 0x972E44da6d56DFe14073e19DD4183caE7ebA60Ff).

You can request 2 THEO up to twice per 24 hour period. If you need additional Testnet THEO tokens, please contact Autheo's team directly.

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